20 just-Village things We’re Looking Forward to After Quarantine


Caption: #20) House Meetings in the VAC

With the peak of coronavirus in the state of Texas projected to be a mere few weeks away, the light at the end of the quarantine tunnel is finally in view. After nearly five weeks of consistent lockdown across the nation and strict six-feet apart social distancing rules, the end of quarantine will mean being able to do things and participate in activities that we haven’t been able to enjoy since March. Here’s a list of some iconic #justVillagetings only Village kids can look forward to after quarantine ends (next school year, unfortunately): 


  1. Eating lunch on the patio and actively avoiding lanyard collection
  2. Using lanyards from past years to avoid infractions 
  3. Not being able to get into any buildings because you’re using lanyards from past years 
  4. Knowing which teachers to avoid in the halls when you’ve forgotten your lanyard altogether 
  5. Girls getting dress coded for wearing leggings on Fridays 
  6. Dr. Walker and his Birkenstocks 
  7. Mr. Newman in the weight room 
  8. Mr. Bruce and his iconic bolo tie 
  9. Ms. Riley and the color coordination skills we wish we had 
  10. Mr. Yakobu/Mr. Ansari/Mr. Cantwell/Mr. Ostregren 
  11. Going to the school store during break even though we’re technically not supposed to 
  12. Monthly fire drills that only ever happen in the freezing rain 
  13. The fourth floor 
  14. The roaring 20’s themes we were promised for school events (rip prom)
  15. Getting parking stickers slapped onto our car windows 
  16. The gravel parking lot always flooding (except not anymore
  17. 20 minutes of every assembly spent on asking for volunteers for challenges 
  18. Having a lunch hour study hall 
  19. Never actually going to the house meeting you belong in 
  20. House meetings in the VAC hitting different 


While everybody looks forward to something different to do after this quarantine ends, just remember that it will end eventually. Things that were taken for granted will seem new again for the first time, perhaps allowing more appreciation for them. Quarantine has given us the time to appreciate how much our lives are made better by the simplest things.