Night of champions
Friday, February 22nd, The Village School weight room hosted the annual “Night Of Champions” for the Village Football team, one that will go down in history. “Night of Champions” is an event that tests the maximum weightlifting abilities for different lifts such as bench press, squat, and deadlift. Athletes train for 6 weeks leading up to the big day to show their maximum potential.
This Night of Champions, 3 school records were broken by junior Garri Smith in the deadlift, squat and bench press areas.
“For as long as i have attended The Village School, I have been trying to break school records and to finally accomplish my goal at the Night of Champions feels amazing,” Smith said.
The overall winners by position this night were:
Offensive line/defensive – Garri Smith
Big skill – Tyler Woods
Skill – Ansh Bhandari

Ash is a senior with his first year on staff and has been at Village for three years.
Fun fact: I have played soccer in 6 different countries.