Make Some Noise is an improv-based game show produced by Dropout, currently releasing episodes for season two. Usually, the players must act using entirely unexpected and unusual prompts to their best ability, but, occasionally, they must switch from improv acting to singing. Presented similarly to karaoke, the players get a book of songs and artists, but here’s the catch- these songs don’t exist! They’re made-up song titles connected to existing singers.
Typically, there are three competitors (differing per episode), all hilariously concocting different skits and bits at every turn and teaming up as rounds progress. From turning “Just a Complicated Country Lawyer” into an entire scene questioning the nature of reality to doing an impression of “100,000 Batmans,” these carefully crafted prompts set the players up for success and also give them room to be creative. The prompts are (at times) tailored to each contestant, verifying that their greatest strengths are represented as often as possible, adding incredible value to every player’s turn. Often, liked players return in later episodes and the viewers get to learn more about their styles of improvisation!
The set itself is decorated with a variety of simplistic patterns of varying colors to create a unique and fun atmosphere. With the kiddish energy of the backdrop on top of the creativity exhibited by the contestants, the combination results in an overall fantastic show.
With a revamped set and even higher quality production, Make Some Noise is beginning to, well, make some noise and grow in popularity. Although the show has mostly starred small-time performers and influencers, during a karaoke night special, the show stars celebrity Wayne Brady, bringing an entirely new level of talent. If you don’t know, Wayne Brady is an actor, singer, game show host, and comedian – with his abilities, the episode’s improv was even more witty and impressive. Creating song lyrics on the spot, you wouldn’t expect it to be so well sung and thought through!
On top of the lyric improvisation, the pianist playing along must devise a fitting backtrack for the players to work off of. Being the only instrumentalist to back the singers up, they have their work cut out for them. Even with that job, the pianist never fails to compose a tune perfect fit for the unscripted lyrics. This show is truly a haven for Improv!
The only hiccup in the show would be the fact that there will sometimes be prompts that won’t be as funny or as well improvised, but it is inevitable as a human error. Because of the show’s simplistic design, it is not common for such errors to occur, but when they do it can be slightly disappointing. Aside from the rare mistakes, Make Some Noise is simple enough to execute its goals nearly perfectly.
Overall, I would rate Make Some Noise 8/10. Their production as a whole is well thought through and delightfully humorous with ever-changing and always amusing content. I would highly recommend it to any improv lovers!