The Spring Sport Season Comes To A Start!

The Girls Lacrosse team after a win! Photographed by Margaret Davis

Starting in late February, the spring sports season officially began! The season includes Coed Track and Field, Girls Lacrosse, Coed Tennis, and Coed Golf. All 4 of these teams have been putting in a number of hours of work and dedication, with practices and meetings all week long.

The Track and Field team practices 5 days a week for usually over an hour each time. “My favorite part of being in Track and Field is being with my friends,” says sophomore and team member, Salma Debba, “the spring sports season has the best atmosphere!” The team also usually has meets on Saturdays. 

The Girls Lacrosse team has also been working very hard and is currently having practices and games twice a week! “I play lacrosse and I have really enjoyed the spring weather,” says freshman, Alisa Sachivichik, “I love being around the team and learning new skills!”

The Coed Tennis team, which has been in action since the end of February, practices 4 times a week and meets once to twice a week. “My favorite part about tennis is being on a team where people lift you up and they genuinely want you to do good,” says freshman Sana Yakoob, “I really do enjoy the spring season because the weather finally starts getting better and this helps to keep me motivated!” The Tennis team has a great bond and is excited for this season.

The Coed Golf team has also been in full swing this season. “My favorite part about this season is probably the team because we have a good group of people and we are working well together to improve,” says freshman Rowen Boyce, “My favorite part of golf is making that perfect shot at least once a day because it’s such a great feeling to put in work and see it come through in your skill.” This is such a strong team full of skilled individuals!

Make sure to check out and cheer on all of these dedicated teams working through the season in the next coming months!