Freshman Class Volunteers at the Houston Food Bank
On Wednesday, October 16th, The Village School’s freshman class volunteered at the Houston Food Bank.
While the 10th and 11th graders took their PSAT or SAT exams, the freshmen spent Wednesday morning packing and sorting meals for those who may not have enough to eat.
Eager to provide service, the 9th graders were split into groups and quickly began organizing meals. By the time their three hours were up, the students had packed over 3,000 boxes of food to give to those in need.
“It was a great experience, [and] it made a big [impact] on someone’s life,” said freshman Olukemi Dada. “I’m glad I could give back to the community.”

Kahani Malhotra is a junior who has an avid interest in speaking, writing, and reporting, and this is her third year as an editor on The Viking Press....