Winter Sports Update
The weight room has been put to great use this semester for athletes to build up their strength and conditioning.
Despite the majority of the Village High school student body choosing to stay virtual this first semester, many students are taking part in sports after school. Current sports taking place at the Village school include boys and girls basketball, soccer, and swim. COVID-19 and social distancing protocols were an initial challenge in approving sports before the season started. Now, each sport is able to hold after school practices on the court, field, and in the pool.
Although practice is now underway for the winter sports athletes, COVID-19 has still proven its difficulties. “I was kind of disappointed that there are no swim meets this season,” said sophomore Vivian Léger, who is on the Varsity Swim team. “But we have become closer as a team during practices.” The swim team has also gained a new asset this year, with math teacher Brian Blakely becoming Varsity Head Coach. At practices, only 8 swimmers are allowed in the pool to uphold social distancing regulations. The team has also been making use of the weight room and track for strength and conditioning. “It’s definitely more of a training season this year, which will be very beneficial for years to come,” said Léger.
Inside on the basketball court, the Men’s Varsity Basketball team has been having a successful season thus far. Varsity Head Coach Andy Johnson was able to think outside the box and hold a few virtual practices where athletes could still train virtually as a team. “The basketball program is doing the best it can with the COVID situation,” said junior Jay Ukwe, a player on the Varsity Basketball team. “We’ve only been minimally affected due to all of us following social distancing procedures. This allows us to have an amazing season.”
The Village Athletic Department has been able to continuously adapt and improve to give athletes their deserved season. COVID-19 has changed a few things in the world of high school sports, such as having to wear masks during practice, but this has not stopped Village athletes from continuing to play the sports they enjoy!

Jillian Marty is a current senior and has attended The Village School for three years. She is a residential life student who loves to swim, travel, sing,...