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The Viking Press

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Viking Press

The Student News Site of The Village School

The Viking Press

Streaming Smackdown: Apple Music vs. Spotify

Spotify and Apple Music on two different phones

Music has infiltrated our hallways, filling each and every one of us with the unique excitement of listening to a good song. Music has become a part of day-to-day lives, earbuds are in, and students are lost in a world of melody. In a world where there are numerous battles between artists, a new debate emerges over streaming services, particularly Spotify vs. Apple Music. These apps stand tall as industry giants, each boasting millions of subscribers worldwide. With their expansive music libraries, personalized playlists, and unique features, these platforms have revolutionized the way we enjoy our favorite tunes. However, the choice between Spotify and Apple Music remains a frequent conundrum for music enthusiasts. 

Spotify stands out as an exceptional app due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, its versatile range of subscription plans caters to a broad spectrum of users – from the free tier with ads to premium options offering offline listening and an ad-free experience, Spotify accommodates various budget constraints and preferences. Moreover, Spotify’s extensive reach and availability in numerous countries ensures that users worldwide can enjoy its vast library of songs. 

One of Spotify’s other standout features is its remarkable algorithm-driven recommendations. Through advanced machine learning, it curates personalized playlists and suggests tracks based on users’ listening history, fostering music discovery and expanding horizons. This tailored approach makes the app invaluable for those eager to explore new genres and artists. With its user-friendly interface and the ability to create and share playlists, Spotify fosters a sense of community, facilitating the discovery of new music through friends and influencers. In sum, Spotify’s affordability, global reach, sophisticated algorithms, and robust recommendations make it an indispensable app for all music lovers seeking an immersive and personalized listening experience.

On the other hand, Apple Music, while a solid music streaming service, may not be as appealing to users as Spotify for several reasons. 

Firstly, its subscription plans tend to be controversial for a lot of people. The main argument is that Apple Music should be free in the Apple ecosystem, particularly for iPhone and iPad users. This discussion has been around for a while now, and all users agree that Apple Music is less appealing since its only audience is users of iPhones and iPads. 

Moreover, Apple Music’s algorithm and recommendation system have historically lagged behind Spotify’s. Spotify’s machine learning algorithms excel in creating personalized playlists and suggesting tracks, enhancing the music discovery experience. Apple Music however faces criticism for its comparatively less accurate recommendations. This can be a significant drawback when trying to explore diverse genres and discover new artists. Apple Music might be a good option for certain users who prioritize seamless integration within the Apple ecosystem – if you already own Apple devices like iPhones, iPads, or MacBooks, the service offers a cohesive experience that allows you to effortlessly sync your music library across your devices (But, you can access your Spotify account on multiple devices as well). Additionally, Apple Music occasionally boasts exclusive releases and collaborations that can be appealing to fans of specific artists. However, it’s important to note that its slightly higher price point and potentially less accurate music recommendations might not make it the most ideal choice for all music enthusiasts, especially those on a budget or those seeking a more expansive and personalized music discovery experience. Therefore, Apple Music has its strengths – the quality of it relies on the individual user’s preferences and the existing Apple device ecosystem.

While Apple Music has its strengths, it may not offer the same level of affordability, reach, and music discovery that Spotify provides. These factors make Spotify a more compelling choice for users seeking a versatile, friendly music streaming experience. 

To sum up, both Spotify and Apple Music have their merits, but when considering which app to encourage students to invest in, Spotify is the more favorable choice for melomaniacs and students alike. Therefore, for students seeking an all-encompassing music streaming service, Spotify emerges as the top recommendation. Thus,  I rate Apple Music a 6/10 unlike Spotify, which I rate a very solid 9/10. 

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About the Contributor
Marlen Gomez
Marlen Gomez, Writer
Marlen Gomez is a senior serving her first year as a writer for The Viking Press. As Vice-President of The Feminism Club and Speech and Debate team, Mar is passionate about philosophy, psychology, politics, fashion, and poetry, with an interest in Latino activism and History. Driven by her cultural background and desire for social justice, Mar joined the Viking Press to spread awareness about neglected topics and is looking forward to sharing them with you. In her free time, she loves going on walks with her dog, reading amazing books, playing video games, and talking about the Star Wars saga. 

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