Mobile Serve: Faster, Easier Service Hour Tracking


Mobile Serve Logo

In the month of September, The Village High School implemented a new system in order to track student’s service hours. This application, which is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store for download, is named MobileServe. MobileServe allows students and administrators to have access to more reliable verification options for community service, more accurate reporting, and searchable, exportable reports and infographics concerning community service hours. 

Prior to introducing the app,  students had to print or obtain a form which indicated the number of hours of community service they completed with the service organization’s  signature. The student would then submit their form to the front desk administration and the hours would be logged into the student’s record. 

In contrast to this, students can now log in hours at any time from the MobileServe app on their phone. This means students can not only log hours but access their community service hours statistics and information readily. 

“Yes, I think the app will be easier for students and administration to keep track of service hours,” said Nicole Shea, a chemistry teacher at The Village High School. “I think the app will allow students to submit their hours in a more efficient way. The hours will be submitted and approved in the same system.”

Community service hours are a requirement for graduation and the MobileServe app is a new, faster, and easier system for recording hours that will be helpful to both students and administrators.