“Venom: The Last Dance” which premiered on October 25, 2024, rated PG-13, significantly departs from what is conventionally expected. Unlike a sequence of high-octane action peppered with quick-witted dialogue, this movie works largely as a character study focusing on relational dynamics and internal conflicts within the characters’ lives. It’s more than a battle story; it’s an in-depth exploration of the relationship that subsists between Eddie Brock and Venom. This symbiotic relationship between man and symbiot is presented not as a simple superhero-power relationship, but as something very complex, even like familial relationships filled with dependence, frustration, and trying to figure each other out.
Feeling Takes the Driver’s Seat
Unexpectedly, this Venom movie has taken an interesting tone to it, being a more emotional and emotional than its priors. Instead of being bombarded with a string of fight scenes, the audience is instead confronted with people wrestling with their identity and searching for meaning in being part of something more significant than themselves. The dynamic between Eddie and Venom – illustrated by all the arguing and fighting between them yet deep love with each other – carries particularly significant weight. It adds layers to their relationship, making it more than just a symbiote and human connection; it is now two characters who are facing real-life problems and emotions.
Visuals and Action
Despite its darker narrative, the movie doesn’t abandon key principles of visual presentation. Venom is still terrifying and visually stunning. While there is less volume of action compared to previous installments, the action sequences that are included are incredibly well choreographed and visually appealing. The dark color palette combined with kinetic cinematography matches the aesthetic of the film perfectly. If the dramatic aspects don’t draw you in, the action will undoubtedly deliver the excitement you desire.
Best scene:
The very end of “Venom: The Last Dance” is incredibly impactful in all the right ways. Eddie and Venom, having been through so much together, in a way, define each other. They have both come to realize that it is time to part ways, and both of them struggle with this new change, but it does seem to be for the best. Their relationship dynamics have always included elements of affection, hardship, and dependency; this scene, however, really shows the level at which they’ve grown as a duo. For Eddie, that means a path toward greater self-discovery, finally free from the erratic control the symbiote had over his life; for Venom, it’s about finding out what he is apart from his relationship with Eddie. The film ends in a bittersweet way that will leave lasting impressions. The last act doesn’t have much fanfare or orchestral crescendos; rather, it has a much more subdued and intimate feel. Even though the feeling of experiencing a goodbye can bring a considerable emotional toll, it also strangely brings hopefulness. This plot brings up an issue about the challenge involved in letting go of someone or something that has been very precious to a person, even when one knows that doing so will be for their good in the long run. This ending is particularly striking and leaves one with a strong emotional reaction that lingers long after the end of the movie. I would rate this movie 10/10.
The final scene shows that we all will need to say goodbye to our friends one day. Even at The Village School, after graduation everyone will go to the colleges and you will not see each other for a long time or forever. We all need to be ready for it, to not be too upset at this moment. But, who knows, maybe you will see each other again soon…