A Look at Lifers
At a K-12 school, there are students who have attended the school all their life! At Village, there are a number of “lifer” kids. These pupils have been a part of the Village community for many years and have been actively involved with activities, sports and much more. Lifer students naturally have a different experience throughout their education compared to those who have been at our school for a shorter amount of time.
Lifer students have a view on Village that others cannot even begin to understand. They have seen this school change and grow throughout the years.
“The size and population of the Village have grown so much and the amount of diversity that has been added to Village since the time I got here has gotten so much bigger. The education has also grown and gotten so much better!” said freshman Salma Ortega, who has been at the village for over 10 years.
Looking at a different perspective, senior Kyle Marks stated that “I think Village has exponentially grown to a point that makes Village exciting, but I also believe the Village has shifted its focus from student life to academics greatly with the entrance of the different diplomas.”
This is a different take on how Village has grown in an academic sense with the addition of diplomas. Village has impacted everyone personally, whether big or small. For lifers, this school is the only thing they know. Ortega had said that “Because I have been here since I was 4, Village has made me the person I am today. Village has taught me so much but most importantly it taught me the different perspectives of life”
This take is so important because not only does our school teach academics but it teaches long-lasting life lessons.
Marks said that “The array of cultures and ethnic backgrounds here at Village has greatly influenced my values in life. Without a sense of diversity, I feel uncertain about different environments, so, I would say, Village has led me to see cultural diversity as an integral part of my life”
Lifer students are not the only people who have been a part of the community for a long time. Teachers have also been at Village and seen it grow and change for many years – Mr. Polley, the Dance teacher, has been at Village for 13 years!
“Village has been the only school I’ve ever taught at but this school is one of the most diverse places I have ever encountered,” Polley says, “This school has grown so much, the High School used to be an empty field with a track and now there are 3 buildings taking its place.” Teachers have a different view of a school compared to the students. They are the educators, the instructors and the backbone of this school.
We are extremely lucky to be going to a school that provides us with these fresh and different perspectives. Lifer students and teachers are the prime examples of that.

Nina Koshy is currently the Editor in Chief of The Viking Press. She is a junior enrolled in the Entrepreneurship Diploma with a passion for writing! She...