Vikings Stun at Jazz Regionals

Tommy Wan

Tommy Wan(12), Braeden Cochran(11), David Jacome(12), Juan Hidrowoh(11), and Nathan Dumrongthai(11) gathered together at a piano during the regional jazz concert.

On Saturday, October 9, 2021, members of The Village High School’s Jazz Ensemble played at the Association of Texas Small School Band’s regional event hosted by Bellville High School. 


There were many regional awardees at the concert including senior Tommy Wan, junior Braeden Cochran, junior Joao Borges, junior Juan Hidrowoh, junior Nathan Dumrongthai, senior David Jacome, junior Haoyuan Zhu, and senior Zongmou Jiang. 


Dumrongthai composed his own piece and played for a large majority of a concert. 


“We got to premiere our first-ever composition,” said Dumrongthai. “Writing the piece took about five or so weeks, but finalizing it took over 2 months. The piece’s name is ‘After Hours’, which is a reference to an old alleyway in New York. To make it sound like authentic jazz we incorporated the use of the sax and the piano.”


While numerous attendees deemed the event as mildly disorganized, it was an undeniable success for The Village School students, who led the event with transformative and magical music.