Thor House Elementary Reading: A Fresh & Fun Service Project

Pictured is a poster used to gauge volunteers for the elementary school reading hosted by Thor house.

On Thursday, May 6, 2021, Thor house organized a virtual elementary school reading. High school students were paired with and read picture books to kindergarten students (ages five or six) during advisory. The event was a wild success and the volunteer count was phenomenal, with over 30 students signing up to read. 


Each elementary school zoom room had eight kindergarten children and each room was assigned two high school students. Elementary teachers projected the zooms onto their screens and each group of children was able to listen to two adorable stories during advisory. Every story was approximately 10 minutes long and high schoolers also entertained short discussions and questions about the books with the kids. 


“Nowadays book reading is declining significantly and I decided to volunteer at the event to share my love for reading,” said junior Elaine Ho, a volunteer at the event. “I hoped that by reading to these kids, it will encourage them to read more independently. My favorite part was seeing their reactions and smiles to the end of the story. That wholesome moment was definitely one of the highlights of my day.”


Thor house hopes to make this event an annual tradition and continue this adorable, exciting community service project in person next year!