Girls of Computer Science: Club Spotlight

Divya Khatri

Zoom screenshot of a Girls of Computer science club meeting.

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the Girls of Computer Science Middle School Event took place. 8th grade girls of The Village Middle School were invited to join for the purpose of getting exposure to computer science. 

“Computer Science is a very male-dominated field,” said sophomore Divya Khatri, the president of the Girls of Computer Science club.  “We wanted to encourage them to pursue it by showing them the support system that the Girls of Computer Science club and the high school provides for them.” 

The 8th grade girls were shown a few interesting things that the club does at the high school, such as making a robot to do the renegade TikTok dance. After that, club members went into depth about the high school course offerings. Furthermore, middle schoolers and high schoolers alike were separated into breakout rooms, where they completed ice breaking activities to encourage friendships and participation. .High schoolers in each breakout room shared their most recent code projects and how much they learned in just one semester! The Girls of Computer Science club is fiercely taking the first steps towards bridging the toxic gender gap in STEM.